domingo, 24 de marzo de 2013

ELSA LANGER, notable artista plástica, poeta y escritora sobreviviente del Holocausto (genocidio del pueblo judío en manos de los nazis alemanes) nos regala su hermoso poema a LORCA.



Lorca, porque la amas
Tu entretejido en las castañuelas,
ceñido y arrebatado,
contorna el cuerpo del torero.
¡Sangre, arena, sol!

Garbo y nobleza,
que dan al toro
el derecho de defender su vida
castizo hierve tu sangre
ante los trenes de gallinas muertas
sin lucha.
Ves, en las luces estrelladas de los rascacielos,

coronas de los gallos viudos.
Buscas tu latido en Nueva York,
y poque la amas ¡lloras!
La industria anega el río de aceite,
cuando vas a el, por tus jazmines.
Sientes el grito de la tierra

herida en su garganta
por millares de trenes subterraneos.
¡Oh! Porque la amas,
Tu, hálito de España,
no encuentras ni buscas al hombre
tras las máquinas ni tras los rascacielos.

Envuelto en el aliento de tu pecho,
no ves al remolcador con humo de algodón,
sino al puente trampolín de los suicidas.
Cuando caminas por ella, la ciudad gigante,
en sus rescoldos te quemas.

Pero no temas,
Nueva York tiene pulso.
Tus palabras no fueron ejecutadas
por la barrendera automática.
¡Viven! Viven en las manos
de los hombres que levantaron los rascacielos, 
conducen los trenes y te leen.

Lorca ¡te leen!
Porque te aman,
velero truncado
en la tormenta del mar humano. 

(c) Elsa Langer  

fuente: recibido directamente de la Autora, m i querida amiga
Elsa Langer.

FOTO BY RubiArt  

Algunos datos sobre Elsa Langer:

 Elsa nació en Austria o tal vez en Alemania, alrededor de 1932-1933, en el seno de una familia judía religiosa.
Sus padres Aarón( o tal vez Amnon?) e Hilda Sokolosky la nombraron Hildegart (pero la llamaban Hydrilka , como sobrenombre). Tuvo un hermano mayor que ella, de nombre Arnold.

Siendo una niña y viviendo con sus padres y hermano en Viena, los nazis alemanes tomaron el poder y comenzaron los atentados y persecusiones  contra los judíos en ambos países(Austria y Alemania).

El padre de Elsa, un docente e investigador fue despedido de su trabajo por ser judío. La familia se traladó a la zona de Baden Baden(en la vecina Alemania), y compartieron la vida campesina con los abuelos de Elsa(que ya tenía 6 años de edad) y Arnold, que habitaban una casa grande en la zona de granjas.

Los padres decidieron que había que hacer escapar al hijo Arnold, que le llevaba pocos años de edad a Elsa, para salvarle la vida, ya que no había forma de salir del país en forma legal. Y es así que en 1940 entregaron el hijo a un judío religioso alemán al que pagaron para que lo saque de contrabando del país.

En 1941 los nazis arribaron a la  granja y asesinaron a la abuela y se llevaron al resto a ghettos y campos de concentración y exterminio (Theresienstadt hoy Terezin, y luego a Bergen- Belsen).

Felizmente los miembros de la familia lograron permanecer en vida, a pesar de los grandes sufrimientos de esos años de encierro y mala vida.

Al finalizar la guerra,lograron reunirse nuevamente.
 Luego de hacer grandes esfuerzos para encontrar al hijo ARNOLD, del cual no se sabía si había logrado escapar y si aún estaba con vida y donde, la familia decidió trasladarse al Uruguay en busqueda de iniciar una nueva vida, lejos de los horrores de los sufrimientos de la segunda guerra mundial, y del genocidio que los nazis alemanes y sus aliados nazis y fascistas  europeos orientales habían cometido especialmente contra los integrantes del pueblo judío ( 6 millones de judíos inocentes fueron vilmente masacrados...).

En Montevideo no fue fácil arreglarse para subsistir, sin idioma y sin dinero. El padre partió hacia Chile en búsqueda de trabajo y se perdió su rastro...

El abuelo falleció y Elsa y su madre tuvieron un accidente ferroviario, a consecuencia del cual falleció la mamá y ella quedo muy herida.

Recuperada en un hospital donde fue operada y estuvo internada , fue adoptada por una familia católica que habia perdido una hija a causa de una enfermedad, y la nombraron ELSA SUSANA GARCIA, como a la difunta hija.

Allí creció como una católica, estudió profesorado  de dibujo y pintura y trabajó en su profesión como docente y artista plástica.

Siempre con la idea de encontrar a su hermano Arnold (único miembro de su familia que tal vez estuviera vivo), viajó a Israel en1970 para continuar su búsqueda, pero sin encontrar ningún indicio sobre el mismo.

En Israel vivió en un Kibutz donde fue rebautizada 'ALIZA' (Alicia) que significa 'alegre'. Allí conoció a su futuro esposo, con el que tuvo un hijo y una hija.

Elsa continuó pintando, enseñando, realizó exposiciones individuales y colectivas.

Dueña de un talento natural para las letras, escribió narraciones y poesías, y publicó las mismas en Israel y otros países. Obtuvo varios premios en concursos literarios. 

Entre 2006 y 2008 residió en Buenos Aires junto a su hija y sus nietos, siendo alumna de la Facultad de Filosofía de la U.B.A. en 2007 y 2008 ( a la edad de 75 años...).

De regreso a Israel en 2009, Elsa continuó pintando, enseñando y escribiendo. 
Elsa continúa tratando de encontrar a su hermano sin exito.
Fue invitada a Alemania y Austria a dar charlas en alemán sobre su vida y sus peripecias, y sigue tratando de encontrar más datos sobre su familia y su lejana infancia.

Proximamente viajará a Alemania a dar nuevas charlas y a continuar con la busqueda de su hermano y tratando de ubicar exactamente la casa-granja donde vivió de chica junto  a sus abuelos y familia.   
 Su vida es un triunfo sobre la maldad satánica de Hitler y sus adherentes.

Soy amigo personal de Elsa desde hace más de 15 años y quiero y valoro a esta bella persona que es un símbolo de vida a pesar de tantos sufrimientos. Excelente poeta y sensible artista del lápiz y el pincel.

Lic. Jose Pivín
frente al puerto de Haifa
frente al mar Mediterráneo 



German    Hebrew

Elsa’s (אלזה לנגר) story is one of tragedy; her life is one of triumph. Her art, the outpouring of her heart, reveals the path Elsa has taken from loss of family and home to a life of faith and hope.

Born to a religious Jewish family around 1932, probably in Austria, her parents Aaron and Hilda Sokolosky, gave her the name Hydrilka.
Childhood memories indicate Aaron was a biologist, possibly working in the University of Vienna, with the ‘Anschluss’ the most likely reason for later moving his family to Baden-Baden, Germany. With the rise of Nazi Germany, Baden-Baden became the place of the family’s disintegration.

In 1940 Hydrilka’s parents managed to smuggle her brother, Arnold, out of the region. All contact with him from that time on was lost; a loss Hydrilka felt keenly over the years.

In 1941, Nazis plundered their home, murdering her grandmother while Hydrilka hid under the table. Shortly thereafter, the remainder of the family, grandfather, father, mother, and Hydrilka were taken to Terezin( Theresienstadt) concentration camp. They were subsequently transferred to Bergen-Belsen where Hydrilka was stricken with typhus. For Hydrilka and her family the holocaust horrors lasted close to three years before a hint of hope appeared. Perhaps because of her father’s importance, a ’passport exchange’ was arranged enabling the family to leave Bergen-Belsen and travel to South America, arriving first in Paraguay and then moving on to Uruguay.
But hope was elusive for Hydrilka’s family; South America became the scene of further disaster. Seeking suitable employment her father departed for Chile. Contact through correspondence continued for some time, lessened, and eventually ceased. Despair brought her grandfather to suicide. Feeling utterly destitute, Hydrilka’s mother laid herself and her daughter on railway tracks, seeking to end their lives. Her mother died, but Hydrilka survived with broken bones, and a scarred body and soul.

In 1945, when Hydrilka was around eleven years old, still recovering from surgery, she was given for adoption to a Catholic family who had lost their own daughter. They gave her the name Elsa Susana García (a name of some other girl that died a few years earlier).
The adopting family did all that they could to eradicate her former identity; for instance, speaking in German was strictly forbidden and any lapse was severely punished. This was the place where her art was born; every day she would find scraps of paper on which to draw the faces of the family she was being forced to forget.
Conscious of her own alienation and confused about her true identity, Elsa’s sensitive and artistic spirit was often drawn to displaced persons; her sympathies were with the broken hearted, her empathies with the deeply distressed.
In spite of her personal tragedies Elsa matured and eventually trained to be an art teacher. Much of her past was an elusive shadow until 1965. Conversation with an older teaching colleague who knew her adoptive family, confirmed to Elsa that she was adopted.

Now, at the age of thirty three, Elsa began to understand the mysterious fragments of her life….why she had always been so deeply moved when she heard Yiddish spoken… why her art teacher had thought Elsa’s art was more European than South American in style… why that name ‘Sokolosky’ kept coming to mind. Searching her wounded memories, Elsa returned to an area in South America where she used to live and found people who remembered her, her parents, and who confirmed her suspicions that she was Jewish.
Hoping to find her brother Arnold, Elsa came to Israel in 1970 but that hope was disappointed. The people of the kibbutz where she stayed gave Elsa a new Hebrew name, ‘Aliza’, meaning ‘gay, joyful’. Though at that time it was a name that hardly suited her inner state, the name Aliza has stayed with her to this day.

In 1971 Elsa married and became the mother of two children. In 1978 both her children suffered from serious medical problems and it was in the midst of these trying times that Elsa came to a personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. From this point onwards Elsa began a journey of growing in faith and into her new name.

In 2002 Elsa’s husband passed away and in 2006 she left Israel to be with her daughter in Argentina, returning again to Israel in 2009.
Today Aliza lives in Haifa where her occupation and passion are painting and teaching art whenever she can. Though she lacks documentation from her childhood, Aliza’s life’s journey is indisputably documented by her paintings, moving as they do from destruction and despair through to life and light. The vibrant colors of her current works are a testimony to her victory.


Elsa’s biography is explained and validated through her expressionistic art; one can forge a document to tell false facts, but to do that with so many painting over a period of 50 years is quite impossible. The paintings herein are a small representation of Elsa’s collection. They serve as a visual record of her experience as the child in Terazin and Bergen-Belsen, the traumatic loss of her family in South America, the subsequent enforced change of culture and name, and finally her return to Israel and the blossoming of her faith. The paintings have been grouped as follows:

Part 1: Europe (the holocaust and its echoing affect);
Part 2: South America (life in Uruguay);
Part 3: First arrival in Israel;
Part 4: South America (life in Argentina)
Part 5: Return to Israel
Epilogue: abstract paintings

Important Dates in the Life of Elsa Langer

Life Events

1933- Born in Austria or possibly Germany.
1945 -Arrival in Uruguay after the Holocaust/ II G.W.
1947 Began to take private lessons from the brothers Alceu and Edgardo Ribeiro of the Torres Garcia School (Dada movement) in Montevideo, Uruguay
1948 Studied sculpture in school in Montevideo
1949-50 Studied painting in the University of Bellas Artes, Montevideo under the Uruguayan master Felipe Seade
1955 Studied technical and abstract painting from the artist Enrique Rondeau
1958 Passed the exam to be an art and technical drawing teacher. Taught in elementary and highschools in Montevideo, until she immigrated to Israel
1970 Made "Aliya"(emigrated) to Israel
1992 Taught art in a youth cultural center in Ariel, Israel
2002 Taught art in “Beit Eyal” hostel for mentally disabled, Karmiel, Israel
2007-08 Studied Philosophy in Buenos Aries, Argentina; she lived with her daughter during this time
2009-Date Residing in Haifa, Israel and continued to paint and teach art
2011 Accepted as a member of The Israel Painters & Sculptors Association (R.A.) –Haifa & Northern District, Israel.

Sole Exhibitor
1966 Ateneo de Montevideo, Uruguay
1967 Argentino Hotel, Piriapolis, Uruguay
1968 Country Club, Lagomar, Uruguay
1969 Country Club, Lagomar, Uruguay
1970 Kibbutz Sarid, Israel
1975 Community Center, Dimona, Israel
1993 Youth Cultural Center, Ariel, Israel
1998 Nahariya Cultural Center, Israel
2010 Haifa Hadar Cultural
Center, Haifa, Israel
2011- Gallery Hall Rapaport Cultural Center,Haifa,Israel
2012- Gallery Hall Rapaport Cultural Center,Haifa,Israel

Group Exhibitions
1950- UNESCO Exhibition 2000 Group exhibition: “Peace”, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
2002 -Group exhibition in the art gallery of Karmiel municipality, Israel.
2011- Group exhibition: “Childhood”, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
2011- Group exhibition: “The star of David – from the yellow patch to David Shield”, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
2011-Group exhibition in  Marc Chagall Artists' House, Haifa, Israel.   
2012- Group exhibition in Marc Chagall Artists' House, Haifa, Israel.
2012- Exhibition with other artist in MarcChagall Artists' House,   Haifa, Israel.
2012 – Group Annual  Exposition in the Marc Chagall 
Artists' House, Haifa, Israel. The Israel Painters & Sculptures Association (R.A.) Haifa & Northern DIstrict.

Artistic Accomplishments
• Self-portrait in the “Yad-Vashem” art museum, Israel
• Three paintings in the Rabbinate Authority in Ariel, Israel
• Two paintings in the institute for Holocaust survivors, Ma’alot, Israel
• Four paintings in the hospice “Beth el tzedakah” in Shavei-Zion, Israel
• Fresco painting in Lagomar Country Club, Uruguay
• Wall decoration for an elementary school in Montevideo, Uruguay
• Scenography for the theatrical play ‘’En Familia” by Florencio Sanchez, Piriapolis, Uruguay
• Wall decoration for a children’s day care “Lili”, Ariel, Israel
• Wall decoration for the children’s ward in the Ramos Mejias hospital, Buenos Aries, Argentina
• Cover design for a book by Samuel Pecar,"El segundo Genesis de Janan Saridor"- (in Hebrew translated and edited By Mario Wainstein, Tel Aviv 1998

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