viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011

JAPON: terremoto 8.8 de escala Richter y Tsunami que barrió con ciudades, pueblos y aldeas; estiman cien mil desaparecidos- 11 marzo 2011

De: | Fecha de creación: 05/11/2009

Shocking, little-seen video footage from some of the worst tsunamis on record.

11th March 2011-
A tsunami has caused major damage in north-eastern Japan, after a massive 8.9 magnitude earthquake strikes off the coast. Our thoughts are with all those affected.

Real images and clips from the disaster that shook the world.

(I realise the song choice (strawberry Swing) has been seen by some as perhaps inappropriate - I'm sorry for any offense taken. None was intended)

For the thousands still homeless, still dying, we must make a difference. Thank you for your invaluable support
Individual video clips copyright of National Geographic and BBC2 Productions.
Warning: contains images some may find distressful

Songs: Strawberry Swing - Coldplay Pills - The Perishers

The 2004 Tsunami Video - Help Make a Difference

De: libertaddigitaltv | Fecha de creación: 11/03/2011

Terremoto en Japón de 8,8 grados.

: xalapavi | Fecha de creación: 11/03/2011

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